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Top 10 Surprising Facts About Google

Top 10 Surprising Facts About GoogleGoogle in my own personal opinion is the most useful website ever. Their powerful search engine has it all and if you have questions, Google can answer you with just a click of your mouse. Google homepage is very user friendly too because it supports 80+ languages, wherein you can really search easily anything using your own local language. With the use of Google Adsense, personally, I am earning money online since year 2011. Google also has so many other website like the Google Drive, wherein you can save and upload files and documents online. They also have the GMail, a very simple email that loads faster compared to Yahoo Mail. Google also has URL shortener website, the Goo.gl. Some of Google's partners are Youtube, Blogger and Weebly when it comes to Videos and Contents Publishers. Google also has the Google Webmasters Tools and Google Analytics,  very power tools use to monitor internal stats of your website or blog. If you wanna advertise with them, you can use Google Adwords, there are so many advertisers that became millionaire or even billionaire only by just advertising on Google. If you do not have Microsoft Office, Open Office or Libre Office installed in your local hard drive, then you can use Google Docs. If you wanted to know the latest trends in the world then use Google Trends. And if you are really terrible in English, you can use Google Translate to help you a little to know meaning of the words or phrase you are searching. There are a lot more Google useful websites available but that's it for now. Today we are showcasing some of the surprising facts about Google.

TOP : 10
Google Fact : Google estimates that an ad on its homepage would cost $10 million. The space isn't for space isn't for sale.

Google : An ad cost $10 million on its homepage
Google : An ad cost $10 million on its homepage

TOP : 9
Google Fact : The name Google is actually a misspelling of the word googol - a mathematical term meaning a 1 followed by 100 zeros.

Google is a misspelled word for the word Googol
Google is a misspelled word for the word Googol

TOP : 8
Google Fact : Google "doodles" started with a stick man placed behind the logo. It let users know the founders had gone to the Burning Man festival.

The Google Doodles
The Google Doodles

TOP : 7
Google Fact : Google doesn't use lawn mowers to cut its grass. In 2009 they rented goats to chow down on the grass at their HQ.

Google uses goats to cut down grass at their hq
Google uses goats to cut down grass at their hq

TOP : 6
Google Fact : The Google homepage is available in over 80 languages. In case of alien invasion, one of them is Star Trek's Klingon.

Google homepage supported languages
Google homepage supported languages

TOP : 5
Google Fact : Google has its own dinosaur called Stan. The T-Rex skeleton lives at their California HQ.

Google's T-REX "Stan"
Google's T-REX "Stan"

TOP : 4
Google Fact : Yahoo turned down the chance to buy Google for $1 million in 1997. Today it is worth $200 billion, Yahoo just $20 billion.

Google worth $200 billion, Yahoo - $20 billion
Google worth $200 billion, Yahoo - $20 billion

TOP : 3
Google Fact : Google's first tweet was "I'm 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010". It means "I'm feeling lucky" in binary.

Google's first tweet
Google's first tweet

TOP : 2
Google Fact : The "I'm Feeling Lucky" button costs Google over $100 million a year in lost ad revenue. It remains as studies show it comforts users.

Google's 'I'm feeling lucky' button
Google's 'I'm feeling lucky' button

TOP : 1
Google Fact : Google has more than 1 million servers - 2% of the world's total. It receives over 1 billion search requests everyday.

Google servers
Google servers

That's the top 10 surprizing facts you have to know about Google. Leave your comments on the comment form below if you have some.

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ6EGmMrcr8

Data Sources :
  • Marketplace
  • Twitter
  • Time Magazine
  • Forbes
  • CNN
  • Bloomberg
  • Tech Crunch
  • Gizmodo
Images Sources :
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Oddly Insured Body Parts

Top 10 Oddly Insured Body PartsYou have to be the best and the famous in order to insure any of your body parts for big amount of money. For this post we listed people who are known to have insured part(s) of their body where they are known, or their body asset. Each and everyone of us has its own body asset. A person can be distinguished from others because he or she has a rare color of eyes, sexy butt, weird tongue shape and lots of more oddly body parts. Some known people like the athletes are insured for their legs like football players specially if you are the star player or the most payed and the best player of the team. Now here are your top 10 oddly insured body parts of famous athletes, singers and celebrities.

"In the event of accident, emergency or loss, the following person(s) seek insurance for their specific body parts listed below;"

TOP : 10
Name : Cristiano Ronaldo
Profession : Football Player
Body Part(s) : Legs
Amount Insured for : $144 million

Cristiano Ronaldo photo
Cristiano Ronaldo photo

TOP : 9
Name : Dolly Parton
Profession : Musician
Body Part(s) : Breasts (pair)
Amount Insured for : $600,000

Dolly Parton photo
Dolly Parton photo

TOP : 8
Name : Egon Ronay
Profession : Food Critic
Body Part(s) : Taste Buds
Amount Insured for : $400,000

Egon Ronay photo
Egon Ronay photo

TOP : 7
Name : Gene Simmons
Profession : Musician (Kiss)
Body Part(s) : Tongue
Amount Insured for : $1 million

Gene Simmons photo
Gene Simmons photo

TOP : 6
Name : Tom Jones
Profession : Musician
Body Part(s) : Chest Hair
Amount Insured for : $7 million

Tom Jones photo
Tom Jones photo

TOP : 5
Name : Ben Turpin
Profession : Silent Actor
Body Part(s) : Crossed-Eyes (in case they returned to normal)
Amount Insured for : between $25,000 and $100,000

Ben Turpin photo
Ben Turpin photo

TOP : 4
Name : Keith Richards
Profession : Musician (Rolling Stones)
Body Part(s) : Hands (or just the middle finger on his left hand according to some sources)
Amount Insured for : $1.6 million

Keith Richards photo
Keith Richards photo

TOP : 3
Name : Jennifer Lopez
Profession : Actress and Musician
Body Part(s) : Butt
Amount Insured for : $27 million to $800 million

Jennifer Lopez photo
Jennifer Lopez photo

TOP : 2
Name : David Lee Roth
Profession : Musician (Van Halen)
Body Part(s) : Sperm (in case of future paternity tests resulting from accidental pregnancies)
Amount Insured for : $1 million

David Lee Roth photo
David Lee Roth photo

TOP : 1
Name : Mariah Carey
Profession : Musician
Body Part(s) : Legs
Amount Insured for : $1 billion

Mariah Carey photo
Mariah Carey photo

That's the top 10 oddly insured body parts. Leave your comments below if you have something to say.

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-sFscAKDy8

Data Sources :
  • MSN
  • Business Insider
  • Time Magazine
  • CNBC
  • Glamor
  • Daily Mirror - UK
Images Sources :
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Ways to Offend People in other Countries

Top 10 Ways to Offend People in other Countries
There are many ways to offend someone you know. But there are unusual ways to offend other people without even knowing you already offended them. Your usual movements, lifestyle and everyday life can be just normal to your fellow countrymen, but in other countries, you might be doing actions that can offend them even though it is just a normal gesture, words and other things. For this top ten, the top 1 is the beckoning fingers here in the Philippines. It is definitely the truth, because doing such thing will really cause you trouble and it is very unprofessional and unethical to give a "dirty finger" to your fellowmen without any valid and good reason at all. Now here are the top ten list of the ways to offend people in other countries. Maybe this one will help you get away in troubles in the future if ever you decided to go to other parts of the world.

TOP : 10
A thumbs up isn't always friendly. In Iran and parts of the Middle East it means "up yours".
thumbs ups
Thumbs ups

TOP : 9
When someone in Japan gives you their business card, handle it with care. Putting it in your pocket would cause great offense.
handling business card in Japan
Handling business card in Japan

TOP : 8
Making a compliment like "I love your couch" in Arab and African nations can make your host feel awkwardly obliged to give you the item.
"I love your couch"
"I love your couch"

TOP : 7
When drinking in Japan, it is impolite to fill your own glass. You should fill the glass of the other person beside you.
Drinking sake in Japan
Drinking sake in Japan

TOP : 6
In Muslim countries and India it is very rude to use your left hand to eat. The left hand is reserved for the bathroom duty.
eating left handed
Eating left handed

TOP : 5
Going to a dinner party in Argentina? Make sure to be about an hour late, as it's a sign of greed to be punctual.
Late at night dinner party
Late at night dinner party

TOP : 4
Slurping your soup is considered impolite on Western cultures. In Japan it's good manners and shows you're enjoying your food.
Kid slurping her soup
Kid slurping her soup

TOP : 3
Simply smile to insult someone in Korea. Smiling at a stranger is an indication that you think they're stupid.
Smiling people
Smiling people

TOP : 2
The "okay sign"is very rude in Brazil and Turkey. It signifies a similar shaped part of the human anatomy.
OK sign using your hand (some says also sign of the 666)
OK sign using your hand (some says also sign of the 666)

TOP : 1
Don't beckon someone with your finger in the Philippines. It's considered fit for dogs and is punishable by arrest.
sample beckoning sign using hand
Sample beckoning sign using hands

That's the top 10 surprising ways to offend people in other countries. Leave your comments below if you have some.

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTE0G9amZNk

Data Sources :
  • The Mate
  • Daily Mirror - UK
  • Lonely Planet
  • Washington Post
Images Sources
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Words that Do Not Translate into English

Top 10 Words that Do Not Translate into English
Sayonara (Japanese), paalam (Filipino), au revoir (French), despedida (Spanish), Auf Wiedersehen (German) and Goodbye in English. Most of the words, phrases, sentences, stories, novels, etc of any language can be translated into English. We all knew that English is the universal language and it is the most used and most understood language of our time. But would you believe that all words do not translate into English? For this top 10 list we gathered some of the unfamiliar and even familiar words that remains the same even inserted or used into English sentence. Here they are guys.

TOP : 10
Word or Phrase : Pisan Zapra
Language : Malay
Meaning : The time taken to eat a banana.

woman eating a banana
Woman eating a banana

TOP : 9
Word or Phrase : Schadenfreude
Language : German
Meaning : Pleasure resulting from someone else's pain or misfortune.

marathon pooping
Marathon pooping

TOP : 8
Word or Phrase : Gigil
Language : Filipino
Meaning : The urge to squeeze or pinch something that is really cute.

super cute cat which is really nakakagigil
Super cute cat which is really "nakakagigil"

TOP : 7
Word or Phrase : Bakku-shan
Language : Japanese
Meaning : A girl who looks good from behind not from the front.

Beautiful women from behind
Beautiful women from behind

TOP : 6
Word or Phrase : Pena ajena
Language : Mexican Spanish
Meaning : Embarrassment derived from seeing someone else's humiliation.

other people humiliation is an embarrassment for you
Other people humiliation is an embarrassment for you

TOP : 5
Word or Phrase : Waldeinsamkeit
Language : German
Meaning : The feeling of being alone in the woods.

A man walking alone in the forest
A man walking alone in the forest

TOP : 4
Word or Phrase : Jayus
Language : Indonesian
Meaning : An unfunny joke told so badly that it becomes funny.

Laughing people, even the joke is not funny
Laughing people, even the joke is not funny

TOP : 3
Word orPhrase : Age-otori
Language : Japanese
Meaning : To look worse after a haircut

Woman's haircut (BEFORE & AFTER)
Woman's haircut (BEFORE & AFTER)

TOP : 2
Word or Phrase : L'esprit de I'escalier
Language : French
Meaning : Thinking of a witty comeback when it's too late to deliver it.

A thinking man
A thinking man

TOP : 1
Word or Phrase : Backpfeifengesicht
Language : German
Meaning : A face badly in need of a fist.

A boxing fight, fist hitted a face
A boxing fight, fist hitted a face

That's the top 10 words that do not translate into English. Leave your comments below if you have something to say.

Video Sourcewww.youtube.com/watch?v=g_5sN0dbRh4

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Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Dumbest Criminals Ever

Top 10 Dumbest Criminals EverWhile making this post, I have so many laughings, yes, this article is very funny, thanks to our sources. We have here the top 10 dumbest criminals ever. I don't know if they are really suitable to be in prison or maybe they are more fit in a mental hospital, well I don't know, hahaha. As we all knew, criminals are notorious and intelligent, that is why they can escape imprisonment for years and even decades (fugitive). But for this top ten, its all about brainless criminals, listed. As a preview of the list, one criminal already called the store that he will going to rob to check what is the amount of the money available and the most hilarious is this criminal that paid a wizard to make him invisible and start grabbing money of people inside a bank, assuming that he is already in an invisible state,"very funny". Now here are more of the top ten list, enjoy!

TOP : 10
Criminal Name : Krystian Bala
Place : Poland
Year : 2000
About : Three years after committing murder, this author wrote a book about a similar killing. His novel allowed police to trace the crime back to him.

Krystian Bala photo
Krystian Bala photo

TOP : 9
Criminal Name : Joey Geraci
Place : Wisconsin, USA
Year : 2009
About : After grabbing a young employee, Geraci attempted to rob a restaurant. He was foiled after a chef attacked him - with a spoon.

Joey Geraci photo
Joey Geraci photo

TOP : 8
Criminal Name : Juan Gonzales, Jr.
Place : Colorado, USA
Year : 2011
About : A woman woke up to Gonzales Jr standing over her bed. He grabbed her phone, fled and then added her on Facebook.

Juan Gonzales, Jr. photo
Juan Gonzales, Jr. photo

TOP : 7
Criminal Name : R.C. Gaitlan
Place : Detroit, USA
Year : 1988
About : Gaitlan asked local cops how their felon-finding technology worked. He duly handed over his ID, forgetting he was wanted for armed robbery.

R.C Gaitlan in custody
R.C Gaitlan in custody

TOP : 6
Criminal Name : Daniel Glen
Place : Ontario, Canada
Year : 2008
About : Glen called a convenience store ahead of a robbery to check how much cash was in the register. The cops were waiting when he arrived.

calling the store before robbing it
Calling the store before robbing it

TOP : 5
Criminal Name : Eloise D. Reaves
Place : North Carolina, USA
Year : 2006
About : Reaves learnt that crack was illegal after she complained of the poor quality of a score to the Police.

Eloise D. Reaves photo
Eloise D. Reaves photo

TOP : 4
Criminal Name : Michael Fuller
Place : North Carolina, USA
Year : 2012
About : The largest bill in USA circulation is $100, but that didn't stop Fuller trying to use a $1 million note in a Wal-mart. He never got his change.

Michael Fuller photo
Michael Fuller photo

TOP : 3
Criminal Name : Peter Addison
Place : United Kingdom
Year : 2007
About : While robbing a children's campsite, this thief vandalized the walls with the words "Peter Addison was here".

Peter Addison photo
Peter Addison photo

TOP : 2
Criminal Name : Unidentified
Place : California, USA
Year : 1989
About : The car thieves made a run for it after being busted by police. They landed scaled a fence and landed in San Quentin prison.

Climbing prison fence
Climbing prison fence

TOP : 1
Criminal Name : Unidentified
Place : Iran
Year : 2002
About : This robber paid a "wizard" $450 for the power of invisibility. He then tried to rob a bank by calmly grabbing money off customers.

Sample of wizard photo
Sample of wizard photo

That's the top 10 dumbest criminals ever. If you have some comments, leave them below using the comment form.

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaTRjH4jFxg

Data Sources : 
  • Metro - UK
  • Huffington Post
  • Daily Mirror - UK
  • Shortlist
Images Sources :
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Banned Video Games

Top 10 Banned Video GamesA video game is an electronic game wherein the player is interacting with the game using mouse, keyboard or joystick devices. Video games are commonly in 2D or 3D displays. You can play video games via computers, handheld devices and video game consoles. The earliest video game was created in 1947, a "Cathode ray tube Amusement Device", Source : www.wikipedia.org. Most of the video games today contain graphics that are violent, thus, killing, terrorising, vandalizing and other bad acts. These are the reasons, why some of video games produced are banned already even they are not yet even released in a specific country. Video games are really powerful tools that can affect children's minds who are playing them. Experts and researchers said that video games and other kinds of violent games mainly contributed to the increasing number of criminal activities and violence in the communities all over the world. For this top ten list we are showcasing the top 10 banned video games in different points around the globe.

TOP : 10
Video Game : Pokemon
Banned : Banned in Saudi Arabia in 2001 by religious leaders. The games was said to contain Masonic symbols, promote Zionism and encourage children to gamble.

Pokemon video game
Pokemon video game

TOP : 9
Video Game : Carmageddon
Banned : Racing game where the aim is to kill pedestrians. Banned in Brazil and Germany, it only got a UK release after pedestrians were replaced by zombies.

Carmageddon video game
Carmageddon video game

TOP : 8
Video Game : Football Manager 2005
Banned : Banned in China due to its depiction of Tibet as a separate country to China. If found selling the game, shops are fined and the games confiscated.

Football Manager 2005 photo
Football Manager 2005 photo

TOP : 7
Video Game : Mercenaries : Playground of Destruction
Banned : Game released in 2005 about a coup in North Korea. Banned in South Korea due to risk of escalating tension between North and South Korea.

Mercenaries : Playground of Destruction video game
Mercenaries : Playground of Destruction video game

TOP : 6
Video Game : Wolfenstein
Banned : This sequel to the iconic Wolfenstein 3D features Nazi super weapons and monsters. Like the original, it was banned in Germany for its Nazi references.

Wolfenstein video game

TOP : 5
Video Game : Manhunt 2
Banned : Known for its "gross, unrelenting, and gratuitous violence", Banned in New Zealand, Ireland and elsewhere it was toned down to secure UK and US releases.

Manhunt 2 video game
Manhunt 2 video game

TOP : 4
Video Game : Postal 2
Banned : Controversial game containing urination, racial stereotyping and homophobia. Owning or distributing it in New Zealand is punishable by imprisonment.

Postal 2 video game
Postal 2 video game

TOP : 3
Video Game : Battlefield 3
Banned : Despite never being officially on sale in Iran, it was banned there. It featured a US military rain on a fictitious terrorist group in Tehran.

Battlefield 3 video game

TOP : 2
Video Game : Mass Effect
Banned : Banned in Singapore for a time because a lesbian relationship could be explored with a blue-skinned Asari alien. Mass Effect 2 is banned in UAE for the same reason.

Mass Effect video game
Mass Effect video game

TOP : 1
Video Game : All Video Games
Banned : For a short period in 2002 all video games were banned in public places in Greece. Playing a Gameboy on the bus could result in a 12 month jail sentence.

All Video Games
All Video Games

That's the top 10 banned video games. Leave your comment below if you have something to say.

Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Things That Make You a 90s Kid

Top 10 Things That Make You a 90s KidFor this post we are showcasing some of the things that really made you a 90s kid. Kids are innocent, whatever they saw, they will inevitably imitate those things, it doesn't matter whether they are good or bad. Since they are all innocent, they cannot distinguish the good from evil and vice versa. Technology and media are some of the most influential factors to the growth of kids worldwide, both intellectually and emotionally and sometimes socially and psychologically. And some parents will do whatever it takes to give their children what they want and what they need, specially those things that are trending and iconic. Now for this top ten list, we listed some of the things that make you, your kids or children a 90s kid.

TOP : 10
Instead of having a puppy, you have a tamagotchi or a furby.
tamagotchi photo
Tamagotchi photo

TOP : 9
You thought the Spice Girls represented the pinnacle of feminism and music.
Spice Girls group photo
Spice Girls group photo

TOP : 8
Debating for hours whether a blue hedgehog was better than an Italian plumber.
A blue hedgehog
A blue hedgehog

TOP : 7
You spend ages arguing about who would get to be the Red Power Ranger until the Green Ranger came along.
Power Rangers
Power Rangers photo

TOP : 6
You collected Beanie Babies by the hundred. You're still waiting for them to be worth something.
Beanie Babies photo
Beanie Babies photo

TOP : 5
Pokemon - You had to catch'em all.
Pokemon's Ash and Pikachu
Pokemon's Ash and Pikachu

TOP : 4
You hired films that came on VHS, listened to music on a walkman and waited 10 minutes for a website to load.
VHS store
VHS store

TOP : 3
Everyone you knew thought Pamela Anderson was the sexiest woman on Earth.
Pamela Anderson photo
Pamela Anderson photo

TOP : 2
Despite everything that happened, Jurassic Park still seemed like a great place to take a vacation.
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park

TOP : 1
You can't resist finishing "In West Philadelphia Born and Raised"
Will Smith photo
Will Smith photo

That's the top 10 things that make you a 90s kid. Leave your comments below if you have something to say.

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=finPQLzOLUU

Images Sources : 
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Accidental Discoveries

Top 10 Accidental DiscoveriesHappening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly are some of the synonyms for the word "Accidental". For this top ten we are showcasing some of the accidental discoveries of our time. Could you imagine the world without x-rays, LSDs, viagras, delicious chocolate chip cookies, potato chips, dynamites and other accidental discoveries? These amazing discoveries are really useful in our present time, wherein, without x-rays - how can we see our body's bone structure, without dynamites - how could we easily destroy abandoned tall and big buildings or even dig more faster and deeper into Earth's crust. The good thing is, most of the inventions are invented by chance, most of the time, hard work and dedication really paid off and thanks to these amazing and brilliant people, we now have accidental discoveries which are very useful in our everyday life.

TOP : 10
Accidental Discovery : Chocolate Chip Cookie
Who : Ruth Wakefield
Year : 1930
Source : Women Inventors, Le Cordon Biles Patisserie Foundations Classic Recipes
About : Wakefield ran out of baking chocolate while making cookies. Using a bar of sweet Nestle's chocolate instead, she invented a new treat.

Ruth Wakefield - Chocolate Chip Cookie
Ruth Wakefield - Chocolate Chip Cookie

TOP : 9
Accidental Discovery : The Potato Chip
Who : George Crum
Year : 1853
Source : Fox News
About : This snack is widely attributed to this disgruntled chef. Tired of a customer complaining about thick fries, Crum cut them extra thin.

George Crum - The Potato Chip
George Crum - The Potato Chip

TOP : 8
Accidental Discovery : Vulcanized Rubber
Who : Charles Goodyear
Year : 1839
Source : Discovery Channel, Invent Now, Goodyear.com
About : Goodyear spent years trying to create a temperature resistant rubber. The breakthrough came after he split a rubber-sulphur mix onto a hot stove.

Charles Goodyear - Vulcanized Rubber
Charles Goodyear - Vulcanized Rubber

TOP : 7
Accidental Discovery : Bakelite
Who : Leo Baekeland
Year : 1907
Source : Popular Science, Discovery Channel
About : Baekeland was attempting to find a new electronic insulating material. By chance he created a moldable, temperature resistant synthetic - plastic.

Leo Baekeland - Bakelite
Leo Baekeland - Bakelite

TOP : 6
Accidental Discovery : Play-DOH
Who : Cleo and Joseph Mcvicker
Year : 1955
Source : Daily Beast
About : Originally created as wallpaper cleaner and coal dust remover. It was later discovered that kids loved to use it as modeling clay and play-doh was born.

Cleo and Joseph Mcvicker - Play-DOH
Cleo and Joseph Mcvicker - Play-DOH

TOP : 5
Accidental Discovery : Viagra
Who : Pfizer
Year : 1998
Source : BBC
About : Developed as a treatment for cardiovascular ailments but with poor results. Nearly abandoned until test subjects reported some frisky side effects.

Pfizer - Viagra
Pfizer - Viagra

TOP : 4
Accidental Discovery : Corn Flakes
Who : John Harvey Kellogg
Year : 1894
Source : Yahoo, The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink by A. Smith
About : Dr. Kellogg was trying to salvage some stale boiled wheat. He rolled it out and roasted the resulting flakes.

John Harvey Kellogg - Corn Flakes
John Harvey Kellogg - Corn Flakes

TOP : 3
Accidental Discovery : X-rays
Who : Wilhelm Roentgen
Year : 1895
Source : Popular Science
About : By chance, a standard experiment using cathode rays lit up a piece of card. Roentgen realized that images could be produced using this incredible radiation.

Wilhelm Roentgen - X-ray
Wilhelm Roentgen - X-ray

TOP : 2
Accidental Discovery : Dynamite
Who : Alfred Nobel
Year : 1868
Source : Science Daily, The Daily Beast
About : Nobel dropped a mix of nitroglycerin that didn't explode. Sawdust had made it stable, and the basis of dynamite had been created.

Alfred Nobel - Dynamite
Alfred Nobel - Dynamite

TOP : 1
Accidental Discovery : LSD (Lysergic acid Diethylamide)
Who : Albert Hofmann
Year : 1938
Source : BBC
About : LSD was produced during research into the medicinal uses of crop fungus. Hofmann accidentally ingested the drug and discovered its hallucinogenic properties.

Albert Hofmann - LSD (Lysergic acid Diethylamide)
Albert Hofmann - LSD (Lysergic acid Diethylamide)

That's the top 10 accidental discoveries of the past and the present world. These discoveries are really helpful today when it comes into our everyday life. What could have happened if these people didn't made mistakes in the time they are making such things? We can assume that there are no delicious chocolate chip cookies, x-rays and today. Leave your comments below if you have something to say.

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI2re10vBiQ

Images Source : www.dtop10list.com Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Funny and Disgusting Named Products in the World

Top 10 Funny and Disgusting Named Products in the WorldWhen it comes to selling a product into the market, a catchy name is a plus factor. Product name that is easy to understand and very common to people will make your product to produce more sell and more profit. I think that is the main reason why some product manufacturers are making the name of their products funny, as funny things are always catchy in the eyes of many. For this top ten I listed some of the funny named products that are found in different points of the globe.

TOP : 10
Product Name : Placenta
What : Hair Product
Place : United States

Placenta hair product
Placenta hair product
Placenta is an organ that links the growing fetus to the uterine wall to enable nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply. Source : www.wikipedia.org

TOP : 9
Product Name : Grey Poupon
What : Mustard
Place : United States

Grey Poupon mustard product
Grey Poupon mustard product
Grey Poupon mustard product : The word "poupon" sounds funny, it can have the root word "poup" and it sounds like a poop or feces. You will then end up with a gray poop mustard product.

TOP : 8
Product Name : Pocari Sweat
What : Soft Drink
Place : Japan

Pocari Sweat soft drink
Pocari Sweat soft drink
Pocari Sweat soft drink : You can assume that Pocari is man or woman, you are now drinking Pocari's sweat. What a nice soft drink!

TOP : 7
Product Name : Cream Collon
What : Cake
Place : Japan

Cream Collon cake
Cream Collon cake
Cream Collon cake : The word collon sounds like "colon". Its like eating a cake made up of colon or the large intestine.

TOP : 6
Product Name : Crack Creme
What : Skin Cream
Place : United States

Crack Creme skin cream
Crack Creme skin cream
Crack Creme skin cream : Crack cocaine is the freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked. It's like applying cocaine cream into your skin.

TOP : 5
Product Name : Vergina
What : Beer
Place : Greece

Vergina beer
Vergina beer
Vergina beer : The word "vergina" sounds like a virgin or vagina. Just do the next sentence yourself. Hahaha.

TOP : 4
Product Name : Cock Soup
What : Soup Mix
Place : Jamaica

Cock Soup mix
Cock Soup mix
Cock soup soup mix : The word cock can be roster and the male sex organ. Just use your common sense to get the meaning of the product name, LOL!

TOP : 3
Product Name : Barf
What : Detergent
Place : Kyrgyztan

Barf detergent product
Barf detergent product
Barf detergent : It's like a detergent made up of burp.

TOP : 2
Product Name : Golden Gaytime
What : Ice Cream
Place : Australia

Golden Gaytime ice cream
Golden Gaytime ice cream
Golden Gaytime ice cream : Its like having time and eating ice cream with gays.

TOP : 1
Product Name : Shitto
What : Pepper Sauce
Place : Ghana

Shitto pepper sauce
Shitto pepper sauce
Shitto pepper sauce : Shitto can have the root word "sh*t" , therefore you now have a pepper sauce sh*t. LOL!

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dKcQ6Cdrz8

Images Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Shocking Facts About Pop Music

Top 10 Shocking Facts About Pop MusicThe following top ten list will really shock and disappoint you when it comes to the Pop Music industry or just the Music industry. New records has been made and the past musicians of our time like the Beatles, Michael Jackson and other iconic pop music artists had been beaten by the new artists of the 20th century when it comes to the album sold, and other music rankings. Read the shocking facts below to know more.

TOP : 10
Music Fact : Katy Perry's album"Teenage Dream" ties with Michael Jackson's "Bad" for the record amount of No.1 singles from one album - 5 each.
Source : Daily Mail

Katy Perry and Michael Jackson
Katy Perry and Michael Jackson

TOP : 9
Music Fact : Justin Bieber has over 25 million Twitter followers - more than Barrack Obama and Dalai Lama put together.
Source : Twitter

Justin Bieber twitter followers
Justin Bieber twitter followers

TOP : 8
Music Fact : The Beatles' classic "Hey Jude" has sold 8 million copies. That's 2 million less than Flo Rida's track "Low".
Source : Maily Mirror - UK

The Beatles and Flo Rida
The Beatles and Flo Rida

TOP : 7
Music Fact : 20 million people bought the Spice Girls' "Spice" album. That's more than ANY Bob Marley album.
Source : Daily Mirror - UK, Forbes, BBC

Spice Girls and Bob Marley
Spice Girls and Bob Marley

TOP : 6
Music Fact : Celine Dion's"Falling Into You" and Shania Twains "Come on Over" have each sold more than any Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen or Queen album.
Source : Daily Mirror - UK, Metro - UK, Forbes, Virgin Media

Celine Dion, Shania Twains, Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen and Queen
Celine Dion, Shania Twains, Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen and Queen

TOP : 5
Music Fact : The T.V. show "Glee" has had more top 100 hits than the Beatles.
Source : Daily Mirror - UK, Guardian - UK

Glee and The Beatles
Glee and The Beatles

TOP : 4
Music Fact : No Elvis or Simon and Garfunkel song was ever as popular as the Black Eyed Peas "I've Got a Feeling".
Source : Daily Mirror - UK

Black-eyed Peas, Elvis Presley and Sinom & Garfunkel

TOP : 3
Music Fact : The Baha Men have a Grammy unlike Tupac Shakur, Iggy Pop, The Kinks and Bjork.
Source : MSN, Spinner

The Baha Men,Tupac Shakur, Iggy Pop, The Kinks and Bjork
The Baha Men,Tupac Shakur, Iggy Pop, The Kinks and Bjork

TOP : 2
Music Fact : Rihanna has had or featured on over 10 number one singles. Led Zeppelin, REM and Depeche Mode have had none.
Source : Daily Mirror - UK, CEM Magazine, Billboard

Rihanna, Led Zeppelin, REM and Depeche Mode
Rihanna, Led Zeppelin, REM and Depeche Mode

TOP : 1
Music Fact : Ke$ha's single"Tik Tok" has sold more copies than ANY Beatles single.
Source : Daily Mirror - UK

Ke$ha and the Beatles
Ke$ha and the Beatles

Video Source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NFNuuW-Ysg

Images Source : www.dtop10list.com

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Amazing Facts About Your Dogs

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Your DogsDogs really are, "man's best friend". They have so many useful functions in our everyday life, thus, dogs guard our house, go after us when we just arrived home, lick us to give us comfort and more. Other elite types of dogs are used for security and military purposes wherein these dogs can smell and detect bombs and other explosive devices and illegal drugs. Other dogs can perform cool shows too. In the history, during the World War I and WWII, dogs played important role also, they were used as messengers, and provided comfort for many soldiers in the battlefield that time. Now for this post are are showcasing some of the top 10 amazing facts about dogs.

TOP : 10
Fact : The dog was the first domesticated animal.

Photo of a domesticated dog.
Photo of a domesticated dog.

TOP : 9
Fact : A study of fossil dogs and wolves in Belgium, Ukraine, and Russia tentatively dates domestication from 14,000 years ago to more than 31,700 years ago.

Fossil dog photo
Fossil dog photo

TOP : 8
Fact : Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals.

Hunting dogs with catch
Hunting dogs with catch

TOP : 7
Fact : In the Western world, dogs' nickname is "man's best friend".

Dog with his owners
Dog with his owners

TOP : 6
Fact : There were estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world in year 2009.

Group of dogs
Group of dogs

TOP : 5
Fact : The majority breeds of dog are at most a few hundred years old.

Dog breeds
Dog breeds

TOP : 4
Fact : In breeding circles, a female dog is called a "bitch".

Female dog "bitch"
Female dog "bitch"

TOP : 3
Fact : An estimated of 13–16 million dogs are killed and consumed in Asia every year.

Dogs killed for food
Dogs killed for food

TOP : 2
Fact : Approximately 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs each year.

Dog bite
Dog bite

TOP : 1
Fact : Dogs can see blue and yellow, but have difficulty differentiating red and green colors.

Color blind dog
Color blind dog

Data Source : www.en.wikipedia.org

Images Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Facts You Didn't About Plants Vs Zombies

Top 10 Facts You Didn't About Plants Vs ZombiesPlants Vs Zombies or PVZ is a game loved by many in different parts of the globe especially the young ages. The game's break was dated back in the year 2009, where it is considered to be one of the best games of 2009. Plants Vs Zombies, according to its creators and developers is a kind of tower defense game with a mix of strategy and mind game. I was once an addict player of this game and I still play this game a little as of now. Now for this post I searched the internet to gather some top ten facts about Plants Vs Zombies game and that is what we are showcasing right now for this post.

TOP : 10
PvZ Fact : Plants Vs Zombies was first released on May 5, 2009.

Plants vs Zombies loading screen
Plants vs Zombies loading screen

TOP : 9
PvZ Fact : It was nominated for Multiple Interactive Achievements Awards.

Multiple Interactive Achievements Awards
Multiple Interactive Achievements Awards

TOP : 8
PvZ Fact : PvZ was inspired by the video game Warcraft III.

Warcraft 3 screenshot
Warcraft 3 screenshot

TOP : 7
PvZ Fact : Plant's Vs Zombies initial name was going to be Weedlings.

Weedlings - Plants vs Zombies
Weedlings - Plants vs Zombies

TOP : 6
PvZ Fact : The game's director George Fan was the boyfriend of PvZ theme song composer Laura Shigihara.

George Fan and Laura Shigihara.
George Fan and Laura Shigihara.

TOP : 5
PvZ Fact : Plants Vs Zombies"dancing zombie"was Michael Jackson-inspired.

PvZ's dancing zombie
PvZ's dancing zombie

TOP : 4
PvZ Fact : Plants vs Zombies planned name was supposed to be "Lawn of the Dead".

Lawn of the Dead
Lawn of the Dead

TOP : 3
PvZ Fact : It took 3 years for the Plants vs Zombies game development to be completed.

Tysen Henderson and George Fan
Tysen Henderson and George Fan

TOP : 2
PvZ Fact : PvZ is the fastest selling video game ever created by PopCap.

PopCap's Plants vs Zombies
PopCap's Plants vs Zombies

TOP : 1
PvZ Fact : Plants vs Zombies was one of the "Best games of 2009", declared by Gamezebo and VideoGamer.

"Best games of 2009" - Plants vs Zombies
"Best games of 2009" - Plants vs Zombies

Data Sources :
Images Source : www.dtop10list.com

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Facts About Showtime's Vice Ganda

Top 10 Facts About Showtime's Vice Ganda
Vice ganda is one of the most popular gay in the local Philippine television today. He is a host, product endorser, actor, a singer and an instant comedian. Instant comedian means that he can make situational jokes that will really make you laugh out of the blue. Currently he is one of the host and judge of the ABS-CBN no.1 noontime show the "It's ShowTime!". This show is I think the one that really established his position on the Philippine television. He also has his own Sunday talk show called"Gandang Gabi Vice". Now for this top ten, I gathered factual information regarding Vice Ganda on the internet and summarized them up here for this post about him. Here's the top 10 "abouts" for Vice Ganda.

TOP : 10
Vice's Fact : Vice Ganda's real name is Jose Marie Borja Viceral.

Jose Marie Borja Viceral - also Vice Ganda
Jose Marie Borja Viceral - also Vice Ganda

TOP : 9
Vice's Fact : Vice Ganda starred in 3 of the highest-grossing films in the Philippine cinema, the Girl, Boy Bakla, Tomboy, Sisterakas and The Unkabogable Praybeyt Benjamin.

Vice Ganda Girl Boy Bakla Tomboy
Vice Ganda Girl Boy Bakla Tomboy

Vice Ganda is Praybeyt Benjamin
Vice Ganda is Praybeyt Benjamin


TOP : 8
Vice's Fact : Vice is the first publicly gay endorser of a major product her in the Philippines which is the Globe Telecom.

Vice tv commercial for Globe
Vice tv commercial for Globe

TOP : 7
Vice's Fact : Andrew de Real gave him his stage name"Vice Ganda".

Andrew de Real
Andrew de Real

TOP : 6
Vice's Fact : Vice's movie The Unkabogable Praybeyt Benjamin with Derek Ramsay became the first local film to reach 300 million pesos in ticket sales.

Vice's movie The Unkabogable Praybeyt Benjamin
Vice's movie The Unkabogable Praybeyt Benjamin

TOP : 5
Vice's Fact : At 19, Vice Ganda started performing and became a stand-up comedian in Manila.

Vice Ganda performing at comedy bar
Vice Ganda performing at comedy bar

TOP : 4
Vice's Fact : Vice's current manager is Deo Endrinal, under the ABS-CBN network.

Diether Ocampo and Deo Endrinal
Diether Ocampo and Deo Endrinal

TOP : 3
Vice's Fact :"Lakas Tama" is the title of Vice's first studio album.

"Lakas Tama" first album of Vice Ganda
"Lakas Tama" first album of Vice Ganda

TOP : 2
Vice's Fact : Gabriela (a woman rights group here in the Philippine) condemned Vice Ganda's joke regarding the gang rape happened in a girl on May 2013, wherein Vice himself gave a public apology later that month.

Vice Ganda (ABS-CBN) and Jessica Soho (GMA7)
Vice Ganda (ABS-CBN) and Jessica Soho (GMA7)

TOP : 1
Vice's Fact : His mother was a caregiver in United States while his father was a barangay captain who was murdered when he was just 13 years of age.

Vice Ganda and It's Showtime hosts and judges
Vice Ganda and It's Showtime hosts and judges

Data Source : www.wikipedia.org

Images Sources :
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Facts About PBA's James Yap

Top 10 Facts About PBA's James YapFor this PBA Commissioner's Cup 2014, James Yap's team San Mig Coffee Super Mixers for the third time won another PBA Finals after defeating the Talk N Text tropang texters, 3-1. San Mig spoiled TnT who set a record in the elimination and semis without any defeat for having a 13-0 win-loss record. Only Crispa (2 grand slams 70s to the early 80s), Great Taste (1984-85), the 1989 San Miguel Beer and Alaska (1996 and 1997-98) have grand slam record in PBA. If ever San Mig will win another one they will then have their first ever team grandslam. Tim Cone once again have another record, wherein he has now 17 championships under his name (the most in PBA), thanks to his main men Yap, Barroca, Simon, Pingris, De Vance, and import James Hays. Now for this post we are showcasing some of the top ten list of facts about San Mig's main man James Yap.

TOP : 10
James' Fact : There is a Taiwanese basketball player also named as James Yap.

James Yap of Taiwanese national team
James Yap of Taiwanese national team

TOP : 9
James' Fact : James real and complete name is James Carlos Agravante Yap, Sr..

Arwind Santos and James Yap
Arwind Santos and James Yap

TOP : 8
James' Fact : James Yap is a 2-time Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) MVP.

James Yap MVP trophy award
James Yap MVP trophy award

TOP : 7
James' Fact : In 2003 Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games), he led the Philippine Team to a gold medal finish.

Philippine athletes SEA games
Philippine athletes SEA games

TOP : 6
James' Fact : James is the first Purefoods (former name of San Mig) player since Alvin"The Captain"Patrimonio to win the MVP award.

Alvin Patrimonio and James Yap
Alvin Patrimonio and James Yap

TOP : 5
James' Fact : James Yap and Nelson Asaytono (former PBA player also known as "The Bull") are the only two players in the PBA to score back to back 40 points in 2 consecutive games.

Scottie Pippen and Nelson Asaytono
Scottie Pippen and Nelson Asaytono

TOP : 4
James' Fact : James' team San Mig Coffee(1st seed) was beaten by the Powerade Tigers (8th seed) in the quarterfinals of the PBA Philippine Cup (2011-2012). For the record it is the only the 3rd time in PBA history that the lowest seed team eliminated the top seed team.

Powerade Tigers (former PBA team)
Powerade Tigers (former PBA team)

TOP : 3
James' Fact : James Yap, Arwind Santos, Alex Cabagnot and other Coffee Mixers players declined the invitation to join Smart Gilas 2.0 National Team program because of personal reasons.

Gilas Pilipinas National team - Silver Medalists FIBA Asia 2013

TOP : 2
James' Fact : James has two popular nicknames in the PBA, thus,"Big Game James"and the "Man with a million moves".

Yap firing a three
Yap firing a three

TOP : 1
James' Fact : James Yap has 26 individual basketball career achievements and 12 team achievements, totalling a 38 awards and achievements under his jersey.

PBA Mythical 5 - from left, David, Caguioa, Santos, Yap, de Ocampo
PBA Mythical 5 - from left, David, Caguioa, Santos, Yap, de Ocampo

Data Source :
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • pba.inquierer.net
  • gmanetwork.com
Images Sources : Most of the images came from PBA official website.

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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Amazing Facts About Cats

Top 10 Amazing Facts About CatsCats are next to dogs when it comes to popularity regarding the domesticated animals today. And as I read in Wikipedia, cats are the most popular of all the pets in the world. Being a hunter, is natural in each cats, and unlike dogs, cats, according to some experts even though they are already living inside our houses, they still tend to maintain much of their so called "wild attitude". On the other hand they are helping us to terminate mice and rats inside our houses. And also some cats can help some people earn money by training them and using them to perform in some non-popular or popular shows in and out the television. All cats, big and small are cute, but the bigger one's are much dangerous to play with like the cheetahs, lions and leopards. But some amazing people can tame these big cats and live with them like they are just normal small cats. One time, I watch a video in Youtube regarding a man that can play with a pride of lions like they are brothers and sisters. These man has all the mentality and techniques to be able to adapt with the lions' world and make them his family. Now for this top ten list, I gathered some of the facts about our little cats living inside our houses. Be amazed about your cute little cats.

TOP : 10
Cats Fact : Cats can see in near darkness but have poor color.

Cats can see in the dark
Cats can see in the dark.

TOP : 9
Cats Fact : Instances of early cat domestication dated back as early as Neolithic, around 7500 BC.

Evidence of early cat domestication.
Evidence of early cat domestication.

TOP : 8
Cats Fact : Cats are the most popular pets in the world.

The amazing "Rock Cats"
The amazing "Rock Cats"

TOP : 7
Cats Fact :"Creme Puff" was the oldest known cat ever lived and died at the age of 38.

Creme Puff - the oldest cat ever lived
Creme Puff - the oldest cat ever lived

TOP : 6
Cats Fact :Study shows that cats can establish wide range of territories ranging from 7 to 28 hectares.

Cat protecting his territory against other cat
Cat protecting his territory against other cat

TOP : 5
Cats Fact : Cats always hunt alone.

A cat preparing to hunt
A cat preparing to hunt

TOP : 4
Cats Fact : Cats and dogs can live together if correctly socialized.

Dog and cat living well and close together
Dog and cat living well and close together

TOP : 3
Cats Fact : Some cats can sleep as much as 20 hours a day.

Sleeping cute little cat
Sleeping cute little cat

TOP : 2
Cats Fact : Cats are extremely adaptable. All continents except Antarctica have cats.

Cat on snow
Cat on snow

TOP : 1
Cats Fact : Cats have no ability to taste "sweetness".

Cat eating
Cat eating

Data Source : www.en.wikipedia.org

Photo Sources :
  • www.factsbehind.wordpress.com
  • www.coloradoan.com
  • www.bestofneworleans.com
  • www.chickgeek.org
  • www.pets4homes.co.uk
  • www.fantom-xp.com
  • www.livingwelldementia.org
  • www.blog.a-pets-life.com
  • www.telegraph.co.uk
  • www.yourpetclip.com
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Shocking Facts About FACEBOOK

Top 10 Shocking Facts About FACEBOOKFacebook is one of the most popular website in the world and it is the most popular in the category of all the social networking sites. It is even more popular and most visited compared to Google and Youtube. But as of May 26, 2014 (6:17 PM Asia Pacific Time +8), Facebook(2nd) is next to Google(1st) in Alexa's Top 500 Global Sites. Facebook is a site that will allow you to fully use its free services if you are only a registered user. Using Facebook, you can chat with your friends, share photos, like anything and comment anything you wanted. You can even play many free games using your Facebook account. Now for this top ten list, I gathered and collected some 10 facts regarding Facebook that you may already knew but I am sure there are more things about Facebook that you may wanted to know. Here they are guys.

TOP : 10
Facebook Fact : As of March 2014, there are about 1.28 billion monthly active users of Facebook.

Facebook user growth
Facebook user growth

TOP : 9
Facebook Fact : The name Facebook came from a colloquialism for the directory given to the students of some American universities.

Facebook colloquialism
Facebook colloquialism

TOP : 8
Facebook Fact : Approximately 9% of Facebook users were fake.

Fake Facebook users
Fake Facebook users

TOP : 7
Facebook Fact : On February 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched thefacebook.com.

thefacebook.com - launched 2004
thefacebook.com - launched 2004

TOP : 6
Facebook Fact : Facebook means "a directory with photos and basic information".

Facebook meaning
Facebook meaning

TOP : 5
Facebook Fact : The domain name facebook.com was purchased for a whopping $200,000.

Facebook domain worth
Facebook domain worth

TOP : 4
Facebook Fact : Microsoft purchased 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million on October 24, 2007.

TOP : 3
Facebook Fact : In November 2010, Facebook slightly surpassed Ebay's to become the 3rd largest American web company after Google and Amazon.

Largest American web companies
Largest American web companies

TOP : 2
Facebook Fact : Facebook reached 1 trillion page views in the month of June 2011.

Trillion Facebook page views
Trillion Facebook page views

TOP : 1
Facebook Fact : Mark Zuckerberg only owns 28% of Facebook as of year 2012.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

Data Source : www.en.wikipedia.org

Images Source : www.dtop10list.com

Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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TOP 10 Facts About DotA - Defense of the Ancients

TOP 10 Facts About DotA - Defense of the AncientsI have created various articles regarding Defense of the Ancients or more popularly known as DotA. Most of the addict players spell it as "Dota", sometimes DOTA, but the correct way to write it is with a capital "D" which stands for "Defense", small letter "o" for "of", also small letter "t" for "the", and another capital "A" for "Ancients". The game is owned by Blizzard Entertainment under Frozen Throne. Many, young and old play DotA because of the main reason that it is a Team Game, yes! it can also be played by just 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2, but it is more fun and exciting when you play the game 5 vs 5 or 6 vs 6 as the maximum. Most of the DotA players are close friends, here in the Philippines they are called "barkada" or "tropa". Some players made DotA the main source of their income by betting some money while playing with other DotA players (of course, you need to win the game to be able to earn money), while others just play the game for fun and leisure. Another good thing about DotA is that, there are a lot of "Heroes" you can choose to play. And how powerful a hero defends on how good and experienced the player who controls it. Now for this top ten lists, I gathered some of the facts about DotA. The facts are under the history of DotA, main people who contributed to make DotA known worldwide and more. Have sometime and know more about your game players, here are the facts.

TOP : 10
DotA Fact : The first version of DotA was released in 2003 by Eul.

Eul - DotA 2
Eul - DotA 2

TOP : 9
DotA Fact : Steve Feak created the most dominant map version of DotA - the DotA AllStars. He has the nickname "Guinsoo".

Steve "Guinsoo" Feak - DotA AllStars
Steve "Guinsoo" Feak - DotA AllStars

TOP : 8
DotA Fact : DotA AllStars' first official community website is www.dota-allstars.com launched on October 14, 2004 and shutdown on July 22, 2010.

Former community website of DotA before Playdota
Former community website of DotA before Playdota

TOP : 7
DotA Fact : Icefrog developed DotA's latest map versions and owns the website www.playdota.com.

IceFrog of DotA
IceFrog of DotA

TOP : 6
DotA Fact : DotA II was released on July 9, 2013.

Oldest DotA maps
Oldest DotA maps

TOP : 5
DotA Fact : DotA was inspired by the game called Starcraft.

Screenshot of Starcraft gameplay
Screenshot of Starcraft game play

TOP : 4
DotA Fact : Before, DotA was called EX Series. It is also called DotA DX Series, DotA Unforgiven and DotA Outland.

Former DotA names
Former DotA names

TOP : 3
DotA Fact : The first DotA discussion forum was called 9nid.

9nid - first ever DotA discussion forum
9nid - first ever DotA discussion forum

TOP : 2
DotA Fact : Heintje Chinese 6.12 is the first 6.xx Chinese DotA version created.

Tianyijue Chinese Dota Screenshots
Tianyijue Chinese Dota Screenshots

TOP : 1
DotA Fact : DotA is one of the most popular maps on www.battle.net.

One of the most popular map in battle.net
One of the most popular map in battle.net

Data Sources :
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • www.battle.net
  • www.wiki.gosugamers.net/dota2/History_of_DotA
Photo Sources :
  • www.pinoytekkie.wordpress.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.hiveworkshop.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.neutralcreeps.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Facts About TV Series The Walking Dead

Top 10 Facts About TV Series The Walking DeadI only got the chance to watch "The Walking Dead" early this April 2014. Yes! that time Season 5 with episodes of 16 is already in the making at yet I am only able to watch up to Season 3, episode 14, there are two more episodes left to complete season 3 and there is still season 4. As I read many articles online, Season 5 will be release this year October 2014. The story of the series is very simple, yet it is kinda terrifying and adventurous to watch. Its like you are watching a very long movie with fantastic effects, great scenes and the episodes are not boring. The story is all about living in a world with lots of zombies or "walkies" (the term used on the series). The numbers of zombies are more compared to the numbers of real people. There are a lot of main and supporting characters for the series. People are making their own groups in order to have more chances of surviving attacks from zombies. And sometimes the group will kill another group to obtain more weapons and security. Trust is the main issue when it comes to meeting other group of real people and a bad negotiation will lead to killing each other. If you do not have strong stomach, I do not recommend The Walking Dead for you because there are a lot of scenes where you will see zombies with horrible looks, their dead flesh are already seen, when zombies feast on a person the intestine and other major organs will be seen eaten by zombies. There are also a lot of brutal scene because the only way to really kill a zombie is to hit him in the head and destroy its brain, sometimes you will see the agony of the person being eaten alive by zombies. To summarize things up, the series is survival of the fittest, if you are weak enough to stand up in critical and hostile situations, you are dead meat for the zombies, but if you have the strong minds and good decision making, you will survive and live for another day. Now, for this top ten list I gathered some of the amazing facts about The Walking Dead that some of you already knew but others may also not. Have sometime to know some facts about the record setting cable series in the television, The Walking Dead.

TOP : 10
The Walking Dead FACT : It was based on The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard.

The Walking Dead wallpaper
The Walking Dead wallpaper

TOP : 9
The Walking Dead FACT : It premiered on October 31, 2010 on AMC in United States and November 2010 on Fox International channels.

AMC Networks and Fox International Channels - The Walking Dead
AMC Networks and Fox International Channels - The Walking Dead

TOP : 8
The Walking Dead FACT : It is the most watched drama series telecast in basic cable history.

The Walking Dead - premiere and finale ratings
The Walking Dead - premiere and finale ratings

TOP : 7
The Walking Dead FACT : The first season took place in Atlanta metropolitan area while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th seasons are in the surrounding countryside of Northern Georgia.

A captured scene from The Walking Dead
A captured scene from The Walking Dead

TOP : 6
The Walking Dead FACT : As of December 21, 2012 The Walking Dead has 4 seasons and 51 episodes.

A captured from from The Walking Dead season 4 episode 9
A captured from from The Walking Dead season 4 episode 9

TOP : 5
The Walking Dead FACT : The 5th season will have 16 new episodes and will debut in October 2014.

Daryl of The Walking Dead season 5
Daryl of The Walking Dead season 5

TOP : 4
The Walking Dead FACT : The Walking Dead season 4 premiere has viewership of 16.1 million for the record.

The Waking Dead viewership record
The Waking Dead viewership record

TOP : 3
The Walking Dead FACT : Zombies here are called "walkers" and "biters".

The Waking Dead's walkers and biters
The Waking Dead's walkers and biters

TOP : 2
The Walking Dead FACT : Bear McCreary was the composer of The Walking Dead's music theme.

Bear McCreary
Bear McCreary

TOP : 1
The Walking Dead FACT : Rick Grimes or Andrew Lincoln is one of the main characters of The Walking Dead.

Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead
Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead

Data Source : www.en.wikipedia.org

Photo Sources :
  • www.comicsbulletin.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.businessinsider.com
  • www.amctv.com
  • www.wetpaint.com
  • www.tvweb.com
  • www.mediabistro.com
  • www.contactmusic.com
  • www.seriable.com
  • www.comicbook.com
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Amazing Facts About YOUTUBE

Top 10 Amazing Facts About YOUTUBEIf you wanted to watch free movies, drama series, anime and cartoons, sports and games, personal videos, popular and non-popular singers, magic shows, and anything that can be watch under the sun, then the answer is very simple - just go online and visit Youtube.com. Youtube is one of the most popular and most visited website on the internet today. Its like a collection of millions or even billions of videos that are easy to access as long as you have a fast internet connection. Using Youtube, you can watch any video all for free. You can even upload videos of your own, or create a video promoting your product or the product of your company. Because of Youtube many webmasters can now embed videos on their own websites, Youtube hosts the videos while you just put the javascript code of the video on your own website and your visitors can watch a Youtube video right on your own website. Youtube videos are also the main source of income for some Youtube Video Publishers. This feature was enabled since the day Google purchased Youtube in November 2006. Monetizing your Youtube video is very easy as long as it do not violates any Youtube policies, thus, copyrights,etc.. Now for this top ten post I gathered some of the facts regarding Youtube, its history, people behind it and more.

TOP : 10
Youtube Fact : Youtube was launched and founded on February 14, 2005.

Youtube logo
Youtube logo

TOP : 9
Youtube Fact : Youtube is available in 61 different languages versions.

Youtube language versions
Youtube language versions

TOP : 8
Youtube Fact : As of April 2014, it is Alexa's 3rd most popular and most visited website on the internet.

Alexa's Top 5 websites
Alexa's Top 5 websites

TOP : 7
Youtube Fact : Youtube was created by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. The three are all former Paypal employees.

Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim - Youtube founders
Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim - Youtube founders

TOP : 6
Youtube Fact : In November 2006, Google bought Youtube for a value of $1.65 billion US dollars.

Google and Youtube
Google and Youtube

TOP : 5
Youtube Fact : Youtube was a video version of an online dating service, and influenced by "Hot or Not" website.

Hot or Not website preview
Hot or Not website preview

TOP : 4
Youtube Fact : The first Youtube video was entitled "Me at the Zoo", uploaded on April 23, 2005.
First Youtube video entitled "Me at the Zoo"
First Youtube video entitled "Me at the Zoo"

TOP : 3
Youtube Fact : In May 2010, Youtube received more than 14 billion views of videos.

Youtube video views
Youtube video views

TOP : 2
Youtube Fact : Youtube says that 100 hours of new videos are uploaded to the site every minute.

Uploaded Youtube videos
Uploaded Youtube videos

TOP : 1
Youtube Fact : In November 2006, Universal Tube and Rollform Equipment filed a a lawsuit against Youtube after being regularly overloaded by people looking for Youtube. The company's website www.utube.com was then later changed to www.utubeonline.com to avoid future visit mistakes.

Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp website
Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment Corp website

  • There are two main ads you can find while watching a Youtube video, the main ad is located on the right side of the video while the other one is the advertisement that pops out while you are watching the video. Sometimes, there is already an ads playing before you can load the video itself.
  • If you really have a terrible internet connection, you can adjust the Youtube video Settings (Gear icon located below the video). Lowering it to 144 will make the video to buffer and play more faster but in a lower quality video.
Data Sources
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • www.alexa.com
  • www.youtube.com
Photo Sources :
  • www.bgr.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.palscience.com
  • www.cirtblog.wordpress.com
  • www.hotornot.com
  • www.youtube.com
  • www.dtop10list.com
  • www.youtube.com
  • www.utubeonline.com
Thanks for reading this article guys. And do not forget to share this article in your friends on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Thank you!

Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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Top 10 Facts About the Highest Mount Everest

Top 10 Facts About the Highest Mount EverestDid you know that in Nepal and Tibet Mount Everest is not called as it is? Yes! the mountain has its local name there. You can climb Everest via two routes starting from Tibet or Nepal also. It is a very great deal when you wanted to climb the mountain and set a record for yourself because it is very dangerous to climb it. But some people pay some professional climbers to climb for them and set a fake a record for themselves. Mount Everest claimed so many climbers lives already and it is increasing as time passes by. A mountain is considered to be much way taller than Everest when measured from its base located on the ocean floor. This mountain is located in Hawaii, the mount Mauna Kea. And did you know that there are many living creatures living even in the very high and different altitudes of the Mount Everest? For this top ten list I listed some facts regarding Mount Everest, its history, people that explored it and more.

TOP : 10
Mount Everest Fact : Mount Everest is "Sagarmatha" in Nepal and "Chomolungma" in Tibet. Sagarmatha means "the Head in the Great Blue Sky" while Chomolungma means “Goddess Mother of the World” or “Goddess of the Valley.”

Mount Everest photo
Mount Everest photo

TOP : 9
Mount Everest Fact : In 1856, the Great Trigonometric Survey of India established the first published height of Everest at 29,002 feet.

Mount Everest survey (Please right click the image and click "Open image in new tab" to see it more clearly)
Mount Everest survey (Please right click the image and click "Open image in new tab" to see it more clearly)

TOP : 8
Mount Everest Fact : The Royal Geographical Society named Everest after Sir George Everest in 1865.

Sir George Everest
Sir George Everest

TOP : 7
Mount Everest Fact : The first recorded efforts to reach Everest's summit were made by the British mountaineers.

From left clockwise, George Mallory, A.F.R. Wollaston, Charles Howard-Bury, Alexander Heron, Harold Raeburn, Henry T. Morshead, Guy Bullock, and Oliver Wheeler
From left clockwise, George Mallory, A.F.R. Wollaston, Charles Howard-Bury, Alexander Heron, Harold Raeburn, Henry T. Morshead, Guy Bullock, and Oliver Wheeler

TOP : 6
Mount Everest Fact : Radhanath Sikdar, an Indian mathematician and surveyor from Bengal was the first to identify Everest as the world's highest peak.

Radhanath Sikdar photo
Radhanath Sikdar photo

TOP : 5
Mount Everest Fact : Mount Mauna Kea (the White Mountain) in Hawaii is way much taller than Everest when measured from its base in the mid-ocean floor having the height of 33,464.6 feet.

Mount Mauna Kea
Mount Mauna Kea

TOP : 4
Mount Everest Fact : Spiders have been found living in Everest's crevices at the height of 22,000 feet.

Everest's Euophrys Omnisuperstes (jumping spider)
Everest's Euophrys Omnisuperstes (jumping spider)

TOP : 3
Mount Everest Fact : By March 2012, Everest has been climbed 5,656 times with 223 recorded number of deaths.

Mount Everest climbers
Mount Everest climbers

TOP : 2
Mount Everest Fact : George Mallory became the first European to set foot on Everest's flanks on 1921.

George Mallory and wife Ruth Audrey Salkeld
George Mallory and wife Ruth Audrey Salkeld

TOP : 1
Mount Everest Fact : Mount Everest has two main climbing routes, the southeast ridge from Nepal and north ridge from Tibet.

Everest's southeast ridge route from Nepal
Everest's southeast ridge route from Nepal

  • Everest's altitude higher than 26,000 feet  is called the "Death Zone".
  • There are top 10 climbing records on Mount Everest.
  • In the year 2005, Eurocopter AS350 B3 (a helicopter piloted by Didier Delsalle from France) set a rotorcraft world records for highest of both landing and take off on the summit of Mount Everest.
  • On May 29, 1953 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made the first ever ascent of Mount Everest.

Data Sources :
  • www.en.wikipedia.org
  • www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/197160/Mount-Everest
  • www.kids.britannica.com/comptons/art-153200/The-mountaineers-of-the-first-expedition-to-Mount-Everest-in
  • www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/Indian-mathematician-1st-to-identify-Everest-as-highest-mountain-peak/articleshow/3091546.cms
  • www.thehauntedcastle.weebly.com/whats-on-my-mind/5-things-you-may-or-may-not-know-about-mount-everest
Photo Sources :
  • www.adventure.nationalgeographic.com
  • www.snowbrains.com
  • www.unlockingthearchives.rgs.org
  • www.kids.britannica.com
  • www.dtp10list.com
  • www.cfht.hawaii.edu
  • Gavin Maxwell / naturepl.com
  • www.indialive.today
  • www.thetimes.co.uk
  • www.alanarnette.com
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Please be noted that the top 10 that we are including here in our blog are all unofficial rankings unless otherwise noted. Most of the top ten lists are based on Google search results and collected mainly from different blogs and websites around the internet world.

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