Top 10 Most Beautiful Vietnamese News Anchors
For this post we listed some of the most beautiful and talented news anchors or reporters that you will find in Vietnam today. Please be noted that some of them are not living in Vietnam anymore. Other...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Hottest Japanese Gravure Idols
Gravure is a form of art when it comes to the Japanese. It pertains to a hot teen female idol who poses in bikini. Some gravure idols can pose semi-nude and others are all out. But for this top ten...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Beautiful Iranian Actresses 2014
The cinema of Iran or the Iranian Film Industry is not only famous locally but also known and watched in the international televisions. Some noted Iran's film industry as one of the world's most...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Hottest Iranian Models
Iranian fashion is also called Persian fashion because Persia is the former name of Iran. Shalvar or full-length pants are both wear by men and women of Iran. And it is noted that modern Iranians still...
View ArticleTop 10 Embarrassing Movies of Famous Celebrities
For this top ten article we listed and picked some of the most embarrassing movies ever acted by the famous stars or celebrities in the Hollywood. Actors and actresses included for this top 10 are the...
View ArticleTop 10 Animals You Wouldn't Want As Pet
For this top ten article we listed and picked some of the most dangerous, deadliest, venomous, creepiest and dirtiest animals that you may never wanted to be your pet. Animals included for this top 10...
View ArticleTop 10 Alternative Father's Day Gifts
If you wanna try different kinds of gifts that you can give for your father during the Father's Day or any other special events about our beloved fathers, then you can try the listed and picked gift...
View ArticleTop 10 Amazing Feats of Endurance
If you think you can endure incredible amount of pain, or you just wanted experiences that is beyond normal or your body can withstand more pressure than a normal person then try the 10 listed amazing...
View ArticleTop 10 Extraordinary Competitions in the World
If you are bored of watching the same sports in your television or and if you are a sporty person, then why don't you try competing in a Gravy Wrestling competition? You can also try the Pork Rind...
View ArticleTop 10 Highest Earning Dead Celebrities
It is really amazing that even though there are celebrities that were dead already, still, they are earning millions of dollars. The main reason of course was their popularity, charm and the works and...
View ArticleTop 10 Worst Ecological Disasters in the World
Disasters can be natural occurrence or man-made. But even though global warming and other dangerous forces of nature are currently devastating the planet, still, we people are the one responsible for...
View ArticleTop 10 Hottest Places in the World
The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was the 159 degrees Fahrenheit. It was a record setter by a desert found in Iran, the Dasht-e Lut Desert. On the other hand, living in a very hot place is...
View ArticleTop 10 Weird-Looking Robots in the World
Robots today are very useful for people all over the world. Thanks to the inventors of many useful for daily living robots - the Japanese. Did you know that some robots can cook delicious pancakes?...
View ArticleTop 10 Famous Beards in History
Some people in the world and throughout the history became famous because of their beard. I don't know whether they just do not have time to shave their beard or having a long or medium length beard is...
View ArticleTop 10 Unusual Musical Performances in the World
Can you imagine watching a jazz concert which is under the water? That would be very cool! And can you imagine watching a person playing a clarinet covered with many bees? That would be a little bit...
View ArticleTop 10 Smartest Animals in the World
When it comes to intelligence, animals are next to humans. We all knew that they are the best when it comes to their specific surrounding. They can survive and adapt themselves in order to kill or hunt...
View ArticleTop 10 Alternative Beauty Pageants
There are so many beauty pageants that you can watch all around the world like the Miss Universe, Miss World and Miss Earth. But if you wanted to watch exotic beauty pageants and contests that is kinda...
View ArticleTop 10 Urban Legends That Might Be True
Is it really true that elephants never forget those people who treated them badly? And it is also true that right-handed people live 9 more years in average compared to the left-handed people? For this...
View ArticleTop 10 Bizarre Sculptures in the World
Truly, there are so many invented things on Earth which are classified as unusual, weird or bizarre. And for this top ten article we listed and picked some of the bizarre sculptures in the world. Some...
View ArticleTop 10 Unusual Hotels in the World
Can you imagine checking in in a hotel wherein you can freely destroy anything inside it to release all your stress? And can you check in, in a hotel which is formerly used as cells for prisoners? For...
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