Top 10 Most Beautiful Peruvian Women
Peru, is also known and called as Republic of Peru. Its capital is Lima and also the heart of famous and lost civilization of the Inca Empire before. The world famous Machu Picchu and Sacred Valley are...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Beautiful Venezuelan Women
Venezuela, also known and called as Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is home to the most beautiful actresses, singers, dancers, TV personalities, beauty queens and models in the world. Its capital is...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Beautiful Chilean Actresses
Chile is also called as the Republic of Chile. Its capital is Santiago. One of the origin of the name "Chile" came from the name of a tribal chief called "Tili". Some of the Chile wonders are the Sand...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Beautiful Ecuadorian Women
Ecuador is also called and known as the Republic of Ecuador. Its capital is Quito. Some of the natural wonders of Ecuador are The Galapagos Islands, El Oriente’s Rainforest, Cuicocha Lake, Isla de la...
View ArticleTop 10 Facts You Didn't Know About the Americas
The North and South America comprised the so called Americas. You call the citizens of Americas as Pan-Americans or New Worlder because the term Americans mostly pertain to the citizens of the United...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Beautiful Bolivian Women
Bolivia is also called as the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Its capital is Sucre and is found in South America. Some natural wonders of Bolivia are Salar de Uyuni, Lake Titicaca, El Camino de la...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Beautiful Paraguayan Women
Paraguay is also called and known as Republic of Paraguay. It is found in South America and its capital is Asuncion. The Paraguay word came from two words para which means "of many varieties" and gua...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Beautiful Uruguayan Women
Uruguay is also called in these following names, thus, Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Republic East of the Uruguay. Its capital is Montevideo and a country from South...
View ArticleTop 10 Gigantic Facts About Ants
Ants are the best example of being persistent, industrious and also unity. And sometimes, ants are compared to humans, specially those people who are lazy or sluggard (We called here in the Philippines...
View ArticleTop 10 Crazy Toys Ever Created
Did you know that the oldest toys include small carts, whistles and toy monkeys? Most of the earliest toys are made up of clay, sticks and rocks only but toys today are more hi-tech and more...
View ArticleTop 10 Stolen Body Parts of Famous People
If you are a prominent person, a famous or iconic one, many people will be interested in you. This is maybe the reason why some people stole body parts of some of the famous people ever lived on Earth....
View ArticleTop 10 Things That Make You a 2000's Kid
The year 2000 was classified as the following, thus, International Year for the Culture of Peace and secondly, World Mathematical Year. It is also popularly known as Y2K. Y stands for "Year", "K"...
View ArticleTop 10 Awesome Facts About Nintendo
Did you know that Nintendo owns a very popular team in Major League Baseball? It also also considered as the world's largest video game company by revenue located in Kyoto, Japan. Its current CEO is...
View ArticleTop 10 Shocking Ways to Take a Bath
Taking a bath or bathing is one of the way to remove dirt and unusual odor of our body. Taking a bath must be done every single day to stay clean and also healthy. Bathing also gives us refreshment...
View ArticleTop 10 Most Subscribed Youtube Channels
Did you know that the most subscribed Youtube channel has over 27,000 subscribers and the next channel needs more than 5,000 subscribers to be able to tie it for the first place? Most of the subscribed...
View ArticleTop 10 Tips to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
The word zombie came from a folklore wherein a dead human raised through magic like witchcraft. In the other versions of zombie stories, zombies are created through the infection of a virus which also...
View ArticleTop 10 Shocking Things Dirtier Than Your Toilet
Toilet is used to dispose all our urine and feces in the proper place. We are using toilet for the purpose of sanitation, because without it the world will be very disgusting. Looking and observing...
View ArticleTop 10 Unreleased Movies You Didn't Know
Some movies are earning billions of money upon debut and official release. Other movies while only in the making are being stopped because of lack of budget while others are already finished but failed...
View ArticleTop 10 Humiliating Sports Injuries
Injuries are very common in each and every sports. Because of physical activities happening during a game players are all vulnerable to any kind of physical damages. Most of the time injuries are...
View ArticleTop 10 Christmas Gifts For Rich Kids
Gifts or special presents are given to a special person of your life. Some gifts are just very simple and cost less money while other gifts can reach to even more than a million dollar. In my personal...
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